Thursday, October 18, 2012

Serbian history tour: Viminacium, Ram, Golubac, Smederevo Fortress

Serbian history tour: Viminacium, Ram, Golubac, Smederevo Fortress Tube. Duration : 8.55 Mins.

Viminacium (VIMINACIVM) was a major city (provincial capital) and military camp of the Roman province of Moesia (today's Serbia), and the capital of Moesia Superior. The site is located 12 km from the modern town of Kostolac in Eastern Serbia. The city dates back to the 1st century AD, and at its peak it is believed to have 40.000 habitants, and was one of the biggest cities of that time. It lies on the Roman road Via Militaris. Viminacium was devastated by Huns in the 5th century, but rebuilt by Justinian. It was completely destroyed with the arrival of Slavs in the 6th century. The archeological site occupies a total of 450 hectares, and contains remains of temples, streets, squares, amphitheatres, palaces, hippodromes and Roman baths. The Ram Fortress is situated on a steep slope on the right bank of the River Danube, in the municipality of Veliko Gradište, Serbia. The place first finds its reference in Trajanic times as a settlement where the cavalry units were stationed. In the year 1128 CE, it is mentioned as being in the area where the Byzantines defeated the Hungarians. Sultan Bayazid II (1480--1512) built the present fortifications of Ram Fortress, in the form of a regular pentagon designed to withstand cannon warfare. The side towards the land has a low wall with a wide moat in front of it. Apart from the place, where the fortress is entered, there are four corner towers. Masonry fireplace -- rare in the medieval buildings of this region -- are preserved in them ...


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