Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sen Cok Yasa Osman Pasa

Sen Cok Yasa Osman Pasa Tube. Duration : 2.93 Mins.

The Ottoman Empire was one of the longest running and largest empires in existence, at it's height it had encompassed much of the known world yet throughout it's history it gave respect to the subjects of the empire, allowing them to practice their culture, religion and identity. The rise of mass nationalism early in the 20th century sealed the fate of the empire and some 50 plus nations were created out of the what was known as the sick man of Europe. In retrospect it's greatest strength being equal treatment for all people within the empire also become it's greatest weakness as the Ottomans did not naturalize the people that it had conquered unlike many other empires that did or attempted to do. Contrary to popular western belief the Ottomans did not force the non Muslim subjects to fight in it's wars. It did however in the exchange of its Christian subjects not having to serve military service (which usually consisted of years long end military service) charge an additional war time tax known as Jizra which supported financially the empire's war efforts. Christian subjects that did however fight in the name of the Ottomans against the myriad of the Ottomans enemies were not required to pay this tax. The most well known Christian warriors of the Ottoman empire were the famous Janissaries who were fanatically loyal to the Sultan. They were Christian children brought in from the Balkans who's Christian parents often competed with each other in order to gain the attention ...


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