Saturday, October 13, 2012

Al Mahdi, the Quraysh & the Ottoman Caliphate

Al Mahdi, the Quraysh & the Ottoman Caliphate Video Clips. Duration : 6.87 Mins.

The Ottoman Caliphate was abolished in 1924, ending almost 1300 years of the Caliphate of the Quraysh with brief intervals. Until the demise of the Ottoman Caliphate, the Muslim world remained alligned and united under Baiah (Oath of Allegiance) to the bloodline of the Quraysh and the Oath (Baiah) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (uwbp). After its abolishment, the Muslim world lost its Oath of Allegiance (Baiah) to the Holy Prophet Muhammad through the link of the Qurayshite inheritance of the Ottomans. The reign of the Quraysh as Caliphs, which began with the first of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, Abu Bakr, then Umar, Usman and Ali was finally destroyed. The Holy Prophet Muhammad told his wife Aisha, in a hadith mentioned by Imam Ahmad, "the Quraysh are the backbone of the people, and the people shall be destroyed as soon as the Quraysh is destroyed". Although God's covenant is still evident with the Muslim world, due to their lack of allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad and his tribe, the Quraysh, the custodians of the Ka'ba and the well of ZemZem, they are being humiliated. Hence, as a form of penitence to God and His Apostle, devout Muslims worldwide pray daily for the advent of Al Mahdi, so they can once again renew their Baiah (Oath of Allegiance) to the Prophet Muhammad through the legacy of the Quraysh, to whom Al Mahdi will also belong, in addition to being from the best clans from within it, the Hashemites and the best of them, the descendents of the Holy Prophet ...


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