Sunday, September 30, 2012

Britain's WWI "Armenian Rebels": The IRISH

Britain's WWI "Armenian Rebels": The IRISH Video Clips. Duration : 9.12 Mins.

The way the Ottoman Empire responded to their rebellious Armenians in World War I has been falsely claimed to amount to a "genocide," for political reasons. Attacked from all sides in a fight to the death, the Ottomans dealt with their traitorous Armenian community by temporarily relocating them to distant villages, where their population was kept to ten percent or less. Because some were massacred by criminal elements, and most of the ones who died lost their lives to the same causes every Ottoman was suffering from (famine and disease), those with political interests have immorally claimed genocide while lacking the necessary evidecne for intent. What would any nation have done under the circumstances? The 1916 Irish rebellion in Great Britain was very small scale, given that relatively few Irish were involved, with most apparently appalled that there would be collusion with the enemy (Germany). By contrast, it was the rare Ottoman-Armenian who did not wholeheartedly support the collusion of their Dashnak leaders with the enemy (Russia, Britain and France). In addition, Great Britain was at the historic high point of its power, while the Ottoman Empire was at its absolute weakest. It is instructive to examine how Great Britain dealt with their WWI "Armenian Rebels," and discover whether the way the British handled the Irish was at all more forgiving or humanitarian.

Make your own ottoman on Pasella

Make your own ottoman on Pasella Video Clips. Duration : 2.08 Mins.

Skanderbeg Warrior-King of Albania Part 9 of 11 SHQIP

Skanderbeg Warrior-King of Albania Part 9 of 11 SHQIP Tube. Duration : 9.70 Mins. Lufte Online Shqiperi - serbi, e jemi duke u mposhtur pasi ata jane me shume e po na tallin, o njerez hajdeni e na ndihmoni. Cdo njeri vlen shume. An Albanian documentary (In Albanian language) dedicated to the great Albanian King Skanderbeg that defeated Ottomans for 25 years in a row having at his command a small army against the greatest power of that time The Ottomans. We love you Skanderbeg and respect all those that fight at your side.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Napoleon Total War » Playable Factions in custom/multiplayer battles

Napoleon Total War » Playable Factions in custom/multiplayer battles Tube. Duration : 1.47 Mins.

Playable Factions in custom/multiplayer battles: Austria, Britain, Batavian Republic(sea)/United Netherlands(land), Denmark, France, Ottomans, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, Spain, Sweden. Comment, Rate and Subscribe!!! XD

Turkish (horse) archery bow and sword combination

Turkish (horse) archery bow and sword combination Tube. Duration : 2.30 Mins.

Short demonstration on how to use bow and sword in combination as a foot archer or mounted archer Turkish style.

The artificial "Greek" Koine Language

The artificial "Greek" Koine Language Video Clips. Duration : 3.00 Mins.

The roots of the Koine language may have started in one of the more progressive City States, most probably Athens, but by the time it made its way to the Eastern Mediterranean, it had become the language of administration and commerce, common to all Mediterranean nations. Koine in those days was like English is today. In Europe for example, counties have their own languages which they use to communicate at home, but internationally they use English to communicate with other countries. Koine was spoken by Roman intellectual even in Rome. Almost all ancient literary works were written in Koine Interestingly, Koine also became the administrative and commercial language of the Ottoman Empire and continued to exist in a commercial and administrative capacity during Ottoman rule The Ottomans employed Christians to administer foreign affairs, banking and trade with the outside world. And yes you guest it, the Christians continued to employ the Koine language throughout Ottoman rule The keepers of the Ottoman administrative and commercial services as well as the rulers of the Christian world inside the Ottoman empire were known as the Phanariots. The Phanariots were the Christian educated and professionals middle class or the bourgeoisie of the Ottoman world. They were people from various nationalities from every corner of the Eastern world. They were the clerics, the translators (dragoman), the merchants and the captains of ships and of industry and they all spoke Koine. They ...

Friday, September 28, 2012



Team OTtoMANs From TURKEY. One of the top six finalist teams of short film category in Imagine Cup 2006 India.

Age Of Empires 3 civilizations which do you like best?

Age Of Empires 3 civilizations which do you like best? Tube. Duration : 1.00 Mins.

age of empires 3 civilizations . *update*26 jan Check out my asian dynasties video on civilizations below. Who are your favourites? Tell me you favourites and i will tally them up. Es online account: Cluud Please keep your votes at a maximum of 3 VOTES: Spanish:54 British:116 French:113 Portuguese:109 Russian:107 ottoman:123 German:68 Dutch:135 Milestones: first to 10 votes : portuguese! last to 10 votes: spanish..... first to 50 votes: Dutch! last to 50 votes:spanish.... First to 100 votes: Ottomans! Last to 100 votes: please vote 5 stars:) Thank you ---------------------------------------------------------

Thursday, September 27, 2012

City of Belgrade

City of Belgrade Video Clips. Duration : 2.80 Mins.

Belgrade (Serbian: Београд, Beograd) is the capital and largest city of Serbia. The city lies at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers, where the Pannonian Plain meets the Balkans. With a population of over 2 milions, Belgrade is the third largest city in Southeastern Europe, after Istanbul and Athens. Its name in Serbian translates to White city. Belgrade's wider city area was the birthplace of the largest prehistoric culture of Europe, the Vinča culture, as early as the 6th millennium BC.In antiquity, the area of Belgrade was inhabited by the Thraco-Dacian tribe of Singi who would give the name to the city after a fortress was founded in the 3rd century BC by the Celts, who named it Singidun (dun, fortress). It was awarded city rights by the Romans before it was permanently settled by Serbs from the 7th century onwards. As a strategic location, the city was battled over in 115 wars and razed to the ground 44 times since the ancient period by countless armies of the East and West. In medieval times, it was in the possession of Byzantine, Frankish, Bulgarian, Hungarian and Serbian rulers. In 1521 Belgrade was conquered by the Ottomans and became the seat of the Pashaluk of Belgrade, as the principal city of Ottoman Europe and among the largest European cities. Frequently passing from Ottoman to Austrian rule which saw destruction of most of the city, the status of Serbian capital would be regained only in 1841, after the Serbian revolution. Northern Belgrade ...

Le Firman de Fatih Sultan Mehmet

Le Firman de Fatih Sultan Mehmet Tube. Duration : 2.13 Mins.

Quand Fatih Sultan Mehmed conquit la Bosnie, il exerça la politique de l'État Ottoman et dona la liberté religieuse au peuple du region. Voici une copie de l'ordre donné par Fatih Sultan Mehmet en 833 (1478) au prêtre latin qui se trouvaient là; "Tel est l'ordre du Sultan Moi, Sultan Mehmet Han, je veux qu'il soit su par tous le peuple que j'ai eu la faveur d'accorder au prêtre qui possédent cet ordre les sujets suivants: Personne ne va déranger ou empêcher ces prêtre et leur église. Que ceux qui restent dans notre pays avec des sentiments de craintes et ceux qui s'écapent sachent qu'ils peuvent rester tranquille et aller à leur églises. Que ce soit moi ou quiconque de mon peuple ne leur fera du mal. Je jure au nom de Allah qui créa la terre et le ciel, au nom de notre prophète Muhammed Mustafa, au nom de sept livres, au nom de 124 mille prophète et au nom de l'épée que je porte que du moment où ils executent mes ordres et qu'ils me servent, personne ne s'oposera à ces prêtre, à leur biens, à leur églises et à leur invitées étrangers." Ainsi qu'on peut le voir dans cette exemplaire d'ordre, les minorités vivaient dans une parfaitent liberté.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Slipcover An Ottoman

Slipcover An Ottoman Tube. Duration : 7.50 Mins.

This is a quick look at Slipcovering an Ottoman. There are many issues with slipcovers for ottomans. Sometimes ottomans are so out of shape, they need an under garment. Slipcover for Ottoman Classes can be found structure for all sorts of projects at HomeFashionsU Online Classes or at Slipcover America. For some reason I could not upload this video in HD.... sorry for the quality.


ASENA - TURKEY'S MODERNISING BELLY DANCER - Live on The İbo Show 2000 - Tube. Duration : 6.52 Mins.

"Who's Coming!?"..."ASENA!"...This was the catch-phrase entrance of ASENA, Turkey's most well known and MODERNISING BELLY DANCER from singer host İBRAHİM TATLISES on his variety program 'The İbo Show'... Like TURKISH FOLK star, SABAHAT AKKIRAZ, and Egypt's BELLY DANCER, DINA, ASENA lived ABROAD a lot as a child. Both SABAHAT and ASENA were Turks who lived in Germany and brought their own FOREIGN ideas, education and romantic 'oriental art' ideals to Turkey, unlike Turkey-born stars who wished to 'Americanise' everything. Egypt's dancer DINA lived extensively in Italy as a child and also brought a similar ideal to Egyptian BELLY DANCE, unlike the 'conservative' women of 1980s Egypt who would not consider Dance as a career or Cultural Area for MODERNISATION. BELLY DANCE is a somewhat difficult topic in The Turkish Republic. The political reforms of The Republic from 1923 were in place to make Turkey: "Turn to the West" in terms of Culture and Politics. A serious argument in both Turkey and Egypt, particularly in these times of Piousness and Religious Fundamentalism: "Is Belly Dance Egyptian or Turkish?" This is the big question as neither country in the Pious Times seems to want 'responsibility' for the dance. Turks will often say: "Belly Dance never existed in Turkey until The Ottomans colonised Egypt and it came from there". Egyptians will often say: "Belly Dance is an 'oriental' style brought from India by The Ottomans and never existed in Egypt before The Ottoman Empire ...

Sufi Mystic Music Istanbul Tour

Sufi Mystic Music Istanbul Tour Tube. Duration : 6.80 Mins.

Istanbul (Turkish: İstanbul) is the largest city in Turkey, forming the country's economic, cultural, and historical heart. With a population of 13.5 million, the city is at the center of the second-largest urban area in Europe and among the world's largest cities by population within city limits.[1][2] Istanbul's vast area of 5343 square kilometers (2063 sq mi) is coterminous with Istanbul Province, of which the city is considered capital.[note 2] Straddling the Bosphorus—one of the world's busiest waterways—in northwestern Turkey, between the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea, Istanbul is a transcontinental city, with one third of its population living in Asia but its commercial and historical center in Europe.[3] Founded on the Sarayburnu around 660 BC as Byzantium, the city now known as Istanbul developed to become one of the most significant cities in history. For nearly sixteen centuries following its reestablishment as Constantinople in 330 AD, it served as the capital of four empires—the late classical Roman Empire (330--395), the Eastern Roman ("Byzantine") Empire (395--1204 and 1261--1453), the Latin Empire (1204--1261), and the Ottoman Empire (1453--1922).[4] It was instrumental in the advancement of Christianity during Roman and Byzantine times, before the Ottomans conquered the city in 1453 and transformed it into an Islamic stronghold from which the last caliphate ruled.[5] Although the Republic of Turkey established its capital elsewhere, in Ankara, remnants ...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Medieval 2 ( 1.2 ) Fire Arrows !!

Medieval 2 ( 1.2 ) Fire Arrows !! Tube. Duration : 9.62 Mins.

medieval total war series 2 fire arrow janniasary yeni çeri yeni ceri yeniçeri yeniceri mükemmel osmanlı askerleri infantry fraps ordu türkler turks ateşli oklar kılıç mızrak teknoloji technology sex saray place bomb grand bomb cannon jihat crusade attack

Assassin's Creed Revelations GLITCH - Attack of the Clones

Assassin's Creed Revelations GLITCH - Attack of the Clones Tube. Duration : 3.18 Mins.

After a certain mission where you dress us as a Janissary to kill a target, you are left exposed and in need of escape. Well, I tried to escape and look what happened - a full fledged army spawned in to find me. I tried to take advantage of this situation by poisoning 10 guards for the Mosh Pit achievement but guess what? I had no poison bombs on me. Fail. Then I tried to create some desperately, but you can't when in combat. Missed my big chance here. Thanks to Kotaku for the plug:

ETW Battle Ottoman Empire vs Maratha Confederacy

ETW Battle Ottoman Empire vs Maratha Confederacy Tube. Duration : 9.65 Mins.

This is a battle between the Ottomans and Maratha Confederacy in the game empire total war. please rate, comment and subscirbe. Lol at the start look for the guy with the spike through him.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Knjaz Danilo Petrovic - Pozoristna predstava [6 dio od 8]

Knjaz Danilo Petrovic - Pozoristna predstava [6 dio od 8] Tube. Duration : 10.28 Mins.

Prince Danilo I of Montenegro, was the prince-bishop (Vladika) and later Prince (Knjaz) of Montenegro from 1851 to 1860. During his reign, Montenegro became a secular state, a lay principality instead of a bishopric-principality. He became involved in a war with the Ottoman Empire in 1852, the Porte claiming jurisdiction in Montenegro, and the boundaries between the two countries were not defined until 1858. Danilo, with the help of his elder brother, Duke Mirko, defeated the Ottomans at Ostrog in 1853 and at Grahovac in 1858. On January 12, 1855 at Njegoš he married Princess Darinka Kvekić, who was born in a wealthy family in Trieste on December 31, 1837 and died on February 14, 1892), daughter of Prince Marko Kvekić and wife Countess Elisabeth Mirkovich. They had one daughter, Olga (Cetinje, March 19, 1859 - Venice, September 21, 1896), who never married and died young. When Petar II Petrović-Njegoš died, the Senate, under the influence of Đorđije Petrović (the wealthiest Montenegrin at the time), proclaimed Petar II's elder brother Pero Tomov Petrović as Prince (not Vladika). Nevertheless, in a brief struggle for power, Pero, who commanded the support of the Senate, lost to the much younger Danilo who had much more support among people. Prior to the determination of Petar II's successor, after making peace between Crmnica and Katunjani tribes, and being recognized by Brda and all Montenegrin tribes except for the Bjelopavlići, Danilo traveled to Vienna, Austrian Empire ...

Age Of Empire III Acte 1 Partie 1

Age Of Empire III Acte 1 Partie 1 Video Clips. Duration : 8.78 Mins.

Soluce Age Of Empire III Acte 1 Partie 1 ! Pour ce 1er Acte, vous incarnez le grand Morgan Black ! Avec lui et ces hommes, vous vous retrouvez dans le Fort de Malte pour le protéger a tout prix contre des rudes assaillants : les Ottomans ! Est-ce que vous serez assez nombreux pour contrer cette attaque? Vous n'en savez rien avec les bombardes Ottomans qui arrivent mais vous voyez arriver une cavalerie non loin de la... PS: J'utilise les codes pour les viandes, le bois et l'or sinon la vidéo serait beaucoup trop longue ;) ! Bon Jeu!

5/6 Viyana 1529 - Vienna 1529 - Wien 1529

5/6 Viyana 1529 - Vienna 1529 - Wien 1529 Tube. Duration : 10.13 Mins.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Assassin's Creed Revelations Multiplayer characters

Assassin's Creed Revelations Multiplayer characters Tube. Duration : 2.73 Mins.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE READ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't own assassins creed revelations have any rights to ubisoft , pictures or video including the audio track All rights go to the respectful owners , this is just a fan made video that being said here's a list of Assassin's Creed Revelations Multiplayer characters and there descriptions found on assassins wiki CharactersEdit Champion - A renowned professional fighter after years of fighting through the mountains of Thrace, the Champion earned the Templars' esteem and the right to fight for the red cross. He uses a small axe. Bombardier - Secretly a member of the Qizilbash, which was an anti-Ottoman rebel group that had close ties to the Templars, the Bombardier portrayed himself as a member of the Ottoman artillery corps in order to sabotage them from within. He carries a mace. Charlatan - A character with an, as of yet, unknown history. Count - A character with an, as of yet, unknown history who wields an axe-like mace. Crusader- A traitor of the Assassin Order and a secret Templar Agent, he held Al Mualim and other Assassins hostage after a siege of Masyaf's fortress, though he failed as he was assassinated by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. He wields a two-handed sword and will appear in the Animus Edition, Collector's Edition, Special Edition and Templar Collector Edition of Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Deacon - Previously a member of the Eastern Orthodox Faith, the Deacon renounced his beliefs after being ...

Expansion of the Ottoman Empire

Expansion of the Ottoman Empire Tube. Duration : 1.17 Mins.

This shows the expansion of the Ottoman Empire from 1450-1551 and also its largest extent at 1683. NOTE: Except for the last bit, this does not show vassals as capture territory. I will not tolerate spam, extreme remarks or fights anymore. This video is for learning.

Ottoman Bosnia II - Osmanli Bosna II

Ottoman Bosnia II - Osmanli Bosna II Tube. Duration : 8.93 Mins.

The photos from Ottoman Bosnia. Slike Bosne iz Turskog Vremena. Osmanlı Bosna fotoğrafları. Turska - Bosna Bosnia Herzegovina Turquía turco turca Música sandzak sancak srbija srbistan srbi musulmana otomana de Islam Ney la Bosnie Herzégovine Turc Turquie turque islam Musique Ney musulmane...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Let's Play Europa Universalis 3: Divine Wind - Byzantium - Map

Let's Play Europa Universalis 3: Divine Wind - Byzantium - Map Video Clips. Duration : 3.13 Mins.

I would like to thank all who watched my LP I didn't got all of the Mediterranean, I decided to do the Empire in a different way.

Let's Play Europa Universalis 3: Divine Wind - Byzantium - Episode 17

Let's Play Europa Universalis 3: Divine Wind - Byzantium - Episode 17 Tube. Duration : 14.83 Mins.

Hey Viewers! Welcome to my newest Let's Play. I will try to restore Byzantium to Its former glory! In this campaign, allot of tears and blood will be shed before the end. Join me in my quest for a New World Order! Rebirth Of Rome! "In hoc signo vinces"

The Ottoman Empire In A Nutshell

The Ottoman Empire In A Nutshell Video Clips. Duration : 2.48 Mins.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Göksel Baktagir - Hicaz Saz Semaîsi

Göksel Baktagir - Hicaz Saz Semaîsi Tube. Duration : 6.08 Mins.

Göksel Baktagir - Hicaz Saz Semaîsi Ottoman woman Composers - Ida Saide wife of Ömer Pasa *1850 Tchitaté March Ottoman classical music developed in Istanbul and major Ottoman towns from Skopje to Cairo, from Tabriz to Morocco through the palace, mosques, and sufi lodges of the Ottoman Empire.[1] Above all a vocal music, Ottoman music traditionally accompanies a solo singer with a small instrumental ensemble. In recent times instruments might include tanbur (lute), ney (flute), kemençe (fiddle), keman (Western violin), kanun (zither), or other instruments. Sometimes described as monophonic music, the variety of ornamentation and variation in the ensemble requires the more accurate term heterophonic. Ottoman music has a large and varied system of modes or scales known as makams, and other rules of composition. There are more than 600 makams that have been used so far. Out of these, at least 119 makams are formally defined, but today only around 20 makams are widely used. In the sufi teaching, each makam represents and conveys a particular psychological and spiritual state. Sometimes, in certain makams, Ottomans would use different instrumental and vocal musical pieces in order to cure certain medical and psychological conditions. A number of notation systems were used for transcribing classical music, the most dominant being the Hamparsum notation in use until the gradual introduction of western notation. Turkish classical music is taught in conservatories and social clubs ...

ottoman empire part 2

ottoman empire part 2 Video Clips. Duration : 8.52 Mins.

rise and fall of ottoman empire

Empire Total War: Greek Campaign Part 21 - Austrian Collapse, Ottomans re-engage!

Empire Total War: Greek Campaign Part 21 - Austrian Collapse, Ottomans re-engage! Tube. Duration : 25.18 Mins.

Please comment and rate and . . . . ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Check out my new channel: Greek Mod: How to Install the Greek Mod:

Thursday, September 20, 2012


TURKISH DEFENCE INDUSTRY ...GO MUSLIMS.wmv Video Clips. Duration : 4.50 Mins.

Thx for the pictures and for the song music : 2005 2007 iridium HangingOn(remix)2005 blake Reary

Napoleon Total war Russian campaign part 7

Napoleon Total war Russian campaign part 7 Tube. Duration : 10.85 Mins.

We get the campaign under control

"The Days of Highbred Sadad" Festival 2008 // Video 2"

"The Days of Highbred Sadad" Festival 2008 // Video 2" Video Clips. Duration : 2.87 Mins.

The days of highbred sadad is a festival that occurs in syria every year since 4 years . This festival is here to give a voice to the christians in syria , especially the christians coming from this little village called sadad ... Sadad was in the ancient testament named as "Zedad" or even "Tsedad" (in the jewish version) . The meaning in hebrew of tsedad is "mountain" , "fortress" , "high defensive place" . The historians know Sadad was the very far northern limit of the kingdom of israel , and had been a defensive place for a long time . On this place , about 100 years ago stood up the last remaining Aramean Tower (15m long) , but unfortunately fell down during the ottoman invasion because the ottomans ignored the value of what they called "a bunch of old rocks". Indeed , they have a very exceptional history : Within its 8 000 inhabitants , you can find about 50% of pepole among the adult population that are doctors or engineers or that have opened little factories through all the middle east ; but also the amazing fact about this village is that another 8 000 sadadians live abroad in different countries like France , England , Germany , United States , etc ... Also , Sadad was known for a thousand years as one of the biggest christian cities in syria , but it has lost its importance during the prosecutions against the middle eastern christians by different rulers such as the ottomans califes or the monghols. The story always told is that many christians from sadad were ...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

letsgo2 Jumeirah Zabeel Saray - Dubai

letsgo2 Jumeirah Zabeel Saray - Dubai Video Clips. Duration : 5.00 Mins. At Jumeirah Zabeel Saray you can expect a personalised service that ensures that every need is met. Inspired by the imperial life of the Ottomans. Here you can live like royalty in the breathtaking beauty of a palace also discovering the resorts amazing attention to detail. The resort boasts over four hundred exclusive ocean facing rooms and suites with access to pristine private white sandy beaches. The decor and furniture in the guest rooms are based on an Arabic theme with European style furniture. Arabic and Islamic patterns are noticeable throughout each guest room and all bathrooms and washrooms throughout the hotel are designed to represent a Turkish Bath style. Every detail within Talise Ottoman Spa is totally unique. Starting from private outdoor massage areas that are designed in an East Asian style to the amazing hand carved and distressed doors- or the under floor heating- relaxation and cleansing areas- snow room- adventure shower- sauna- also a VIP area that is suitable for up to 12 people- the 8000 square meters spa over two storey's it is not only the largest spa in the Middle East- but will make your experience unique and unforgettable. Also available are some small boutiques featuring some of the world's most exclusive brands- Jumeirah Zabeel Saray offers an array of elite and fashionable restaurants and lounges- with a selection of unique international cuisine including- Indian- Turkish- Arabic/Lebanese- French/Vietnamese and ...

The Ottomans upheld the Shariah of the Prophet * Şeriatı, Osmanlılar devam ettirdi (altyazılı)

The Ottomans upheld the Shariah of the Prophet * Şeriatı, Osmanlılar devam ettirdi (altyazılı) Tube. Duration : 30.03 Mins.

Türkçe altyazı için: Bu videoyu açtığınızda, sağ altta CC yazan yere basın, sonra "Turkish" yazısına tıklayın. Sohbet given by Lokman Efendi Khalifa of Shaykh Abdulkerim el Kibrisi el Rabbani Sept. 13, 2012 naqshbandi, ottoman, naksibendi, hakkani, sufi, rumi, tariqa, whirling, whirling dervish, sama, meditation, shaykh nazim, qubrusi, haqqani, mahdi, islam, kuran, quran, kabbani, shaitan, adnan kabbani, hisham kabbani, dajjal, mawlawi, mevlevi, rufai, qadiri, darwinism, tarikat, khalifa, spiritual, mysticism, tasawwuf, ibn arabi, sheikh, shaykh, sheik, gazali, ijazah, tawhid, tashbih, tanzih, murid, disciple, hujwiri, ahwal, jazba, osmanli, haqqani, dargah, tekke, zawiya, zaouia, khanqah, waqf, chisti, jerrahi, attar, uwaysi, owasi, shadhili, hallaj, sunnah, said nursi, aqidah, mansur, sema, qawwali, dhikr, muraqaba, rabita, awliya, auliya, mawlid, maulid, qalandar, dervish, maqammat, makam, sharia, sufi, sufism, sohbet, sohba, chittick, hamza yusuf, yusuf islam, zaid shakir, bayazid bastami, junayd baghdadi, wahdat al wujud, ubudiyya, prophet, futuhat, suhrawardi

How to Unlock Assassins Creed Revelations Ottoman Jester DLC Free

How to Unlock Assassins Creed Revelations Ottoman Jester DLC Free Video Clips. Duration : 2.85 Mins.

Today with this full video tutorial will show you how to get Assassins Creed Revelations Ottoman Jester DLC for free on xbox 360 game ans PS3 game. This is rare exclusive downloadable Assassins Creed Revelations Ottoman Jester DLC to get it for free on your hand. Visit following blog and get more information about this; Direct Link: When you got your Assassins Creed Revelations Ottoman Jester DLC code, visit your game Marketplace and redeem the code. After that you will able to download Ottoman Jester DLC for free on Assassins Creed Revelations Game.. Any more questions, you can send us a comment about it via our web site. Thank you and enjoy the game. About - Assassin's Creed Revelations presents the most immersive experience available in the series to date and the culmination of Ezio's adventure. In Assassin's Creed Revelations, master assassin Ezio Auditore walks in the footsteps of his legendary mentor, Altaïr, on a journey of discovery and revelation. It is a perilous path -- one that will take Ezio to Constantinople, the heart of the Ottoman Empire, where a growing army of Templars threatens to destabilize the region.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Zaid Hamid:BrassTacks-Yeh Ghazi Episode 21; Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh Part1

Zaid Hamid:BrassTacks-Yeh Ghazi Episode 21; Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh Part1 Video Clips. Duration : 6.62 Mins.

For eight centuries, the conquest of Constantinople, now Istanbul, Turkey, was a dream for the Muslim commanders. Ever since the era of the revered companion, Mu`aawiyah Ibn Abu Sufyaan (RA), there had been many attempts to conquer it, but none had succeeded. Every Muslim commander wanted to be the conqueror praised in the narration in which the Prophet (SAW) said: "You will conquer Constantinople. Its commander is the best and its army (that will conquer it) is the best." Who was then the person about whom the Prophet (SAW) gave glad tidings? It was Muhammad Al-Fateh son of the Ottoman Sultan Murad II. Muhammad Al-Fateh was born on 27th Rajab, 835 AH, 30th March, 1432 CE. He was brought up under the supervision of his father, Sultan Murad II, the seventh Ottoman Sultan. His father prepared and trained him to shoulder the responsibilities of the position of a Sultan. Muhammad Al-Fateh memorized all the Quran, learnt the Prophetic narrations, Islamic jurisprudence, mathematics, astronomy and the skills required for war. Shaykh Aaq Shamsuddin, one of the scholars who supervised the upbringing and education of Muhammad Al-Fateh, managed to inculcate in his heart the spirit of Jihad and the desire to be a person with high ambition. The Shaykh also told Muhammad Al-Fateh that he may be the one referred to in the Prophetic narration mentioned above. All this shaped the character of Muhammad Al-Fateh. He was devoted to Jihad, highly ambitious, widely cultured, and had deep ...

Shameful History, How we Lost Our World (part 2)

Shameful History, How we Lost Our World (part 2) Tube. Duration : 9.85 Mins.

All copy rights of this video belong to HiSTORY channel, this video is strictly being used for educational purposes ONLY. This video explains the Biggest Mistake made by the Muslims that effects us to this day. Ottoman empire was world's oldest and most powerful empire, it made MUSLIM a recognizable power and united followers of Islam like never-before BUT the God cursed Arabs had something else in mind. What Arabs did in name of their independence is so shameful that we don't talk about it till this day but sadly this is the true and bitter side of History. Even after sinking their own life boat Arabs FAiLED to achieve unity and the bloodshed that Ottomans were holding back raged on their heads.

Ottoman Empire part 1

Ottoman Empire part 1 Tube. Duration : 8.40 Mins.

th rise and fall of the Ottoman empire